Prayer (“A daily admission of weakness. A longing of the soul” -Gandhi); Rudiments of pranayama (working with vital energy); Introduction/presenting premises (including emphasis on direct personal experience & de-emphasis on questions of success/failure); Presenting the problem of addiction from the spiritual perspective (including discussion of the verb “to ego” & the nature of craving); Presenting the practice of meditation as part of the solution to that problem (“God will remove your garbage, but you have to take it to the curb”); Sitting meditation practice, followed by some explanation & commentary. Question & answer discussion.
Learning Objectives
Relevance and accessibility of meditation practice to anyone.
Experience meditation, through in-group practice
Inspire and encourage the “inner teacher.
Presenter Bio
Charlie Cook Charlie is a person in recovery from substance use and mental health challenges. I teach yoga and mentor others in recovery, and also work in domestic violence intervention.