Showing 82–90 of 115 results
The Emergency Department’s Role in Stemming the Tide of Opioid Misuse
The Emergency Department (ED) can be an entry point for treatment, a safety net, or in some cases, a place to obtain drugs. This brief, self-directed online course explores how the ED can be part of the solution.
Transgender and Gender Expansive Adults: Foundations for Behavioral Health and Medical Tx
A refresher and foundation for affirming language, terminology, and best practices to use when working with Transgender and Gender Expansive individuals, with a focus on medical and behavioral health settings.
Transgender and Gender Expansive Adults: Health Disparities and Support
This course provides an overview of the role and expectations for behavioral health clinicians with regard to treatment and social and medical transition planning for adults.
Transgender and Gender Expansive Adults: Supportive Medical Treatment
Learn about the role of medical providers working with transgender and gender expansive adults to provide gender affirming medical treatment.
Treatment of Minors in Maine: Consent, Confidentiality and Control
This course will provide an overview of the basis for valid consent by a minor; providers’ ability to accept or decline a minor’s consent; a minor’s right to consent to treatment and to control confidentiality; exceptions to confidentiality; and managing parents’ expectation of access to their child’s PHI when the minor’s consent permitted treatment.
Working with Methamphetamine-Involved Persons in Justice Systems
Presenter: Helen Harberts, MA, JD
Court, treatment, and case outcomes improve if supervision, treatment, counsel, social services, health staff, and Court personnel know what to look for, what to expect, and how to deal with challenges associated with methamphetamine use.
Understanding Chronic Pain
This course will introduce participants to models and concepts used at the Living Life Well Pain Rehabilitation Program at the Pain Center at Northern Light Mercy Hospital in Portland. These models and concepts point to the need for robust, community-wide, and multidisciplinary responses to help our neighbors, friends, and family members suffering with chronic pain.
What Does Treatment and Recovery from SUDs Look Like Today?
This course provides an overview of what treatment services have looked like and what they are today. It highlights effective approaches and where we need to head to support recovery.
2023.05.03 | Invitation to Change Workshop
$15.00 Read More