Psychiatric Drugs: Problems and Solutions

Psychiatric Drugs: Problems and Solutions
Conference: Innovative Solutions for Building Recovery with Alternatives to Psychotropic Medication
Thursday, Sep 20, 2012
Hilton Garden Inn, Freeport, Maine
Workshop/Presentation: Psychotropic Medications: Problems and Solutions
In his book, Anatomy of an Epidemic, Robert Whitaker investigates the astonishing rise in the number of people enrolled in government disability due to mental illness over the past 20 years. He shared his research on how psychiatric medications affect the long-term course of schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorders—based on a review of the scientific literature. Additionally, he highlighted innovative programs in Europe producing good outcomes that might be models for reforming care in the United States.
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Resource Categories: Conference Materials, Presentations, and Workshops & Trainings. Conferences: 2012 • Alternatives to Medication.
In his book, Anatomy of an Epidemic, Robert Whitaker investigates the astonishing rise in the number of people enrolled in government disability due to mental illness over the past 20 years. He shared his research on how psychiatric medications affect the long-term course of schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorders—based on a review of the scientific literature. Additionally, he highlighted innovative programs in Europe producing good outcomes that might be models for reforming care in the United States.
Resource Categories: Conference Materials, Presentations, and Workshops & Trainings. Conferences: 2012 • Alternatives to Medication.
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