2022.11.18 | 7:30 AM to 8 AM | Office Hours with Eva Quirion, NP, Ph.D. | Managing Chronic Pain and OUD | Zoom Meetings
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Eric Haram, LADC Eric is the owner of Haram Consulting, a health and behavioral healthcare consulting firm. Haram Consulting offers large- and small-scale technical assistance for all aspects of strategic planning, workforce development, and clinical and business systems design for states, institutions, and organizations.
In this capacity, Eric is Senior Field Consultant to the Addiction Technology Transfer Center with Brown University, and National Implementation Consultant with the University of Wisconsin–Madison College of Engineering. Eric provides consultation to Maine Quality Counts on implementing SBIRT in Maine’s Patient Centered Medical Home, and to the states of Ohio, Mississippi, Texas, West Virginia, and Maine on medication-assisted treatment expansion. Recently, Eric served as co-chair of the U.S. Attorney’s Task Force on the Treatment and Prevention of Opioid Dependence, State of Maine.
Since 1997, Eric has served Maine as Licensing Specialist, Public Health Educator, and Senior Manager of Corrections for Maine’s Office of Substance Abuse, and has directed behavioral services for Mid Coast Hospital, Mercy Recovery Center, and Crossroads for Women.
He provides countless hours of advocacy for improved access to addiction and mental health treatment in the Maine State Legislature and was President and Board Chair of the Maine Association for Substance Abuse Programs from 2007–2013. Eric lives in coastal Maine with his wife and their two teenage daughters.
Eva Quirion, NP, Ph.D
Dr. Quirion is a graduate of The University of Maine, Orono and the University of Phoenix. She joined an interventional pain practice after receiving her FNP certification. She then joined St. Joseph Healthcare in 2014 as a Pain Care provider embedded in primary care. Eva has been working with patients to help them manage their chronic pain. She has worked closely with primary care providers to improve patient safety related to chronic pain medications and other controlled substances. She has become an expert at tapering chronic controlled substances with compassion. The uncovering of undiagnosed substance use disorder led Eva to work with the St. Joseph’s MAT team. At this time, Eva manages over 50 patients who are on suboxone for substance use disorder. The recovery group has also started offering sublocade (injectable buprenorphine) as an additional treatment option for those with opioid use disorder. Eva’s dissertation topic is Compassion Fatigue Among Nurse Practitioners in Maine. She became interested in compassion early in her career and works to promote compassion as a therapeutic tool in patient care.