Showing all 6 results
Change Attitudes, Change Actions, and Champion Recovery
This course explores the impact of stigma on people in and seeking recovery from substance use disorder, and identifies concrete ways to adopt language and take actions to align with and support the development of recovery-oriented language, recovery-oriented care, and recovery capital in ourselves, our organizations, and our communities.
Primary Prevention and Building Resilience
This course provides an overview of the foundation science of substance use prevention.
Recovery Perspectives
In this web-based course, you will see people with their own experiences of recovery from co-occurring conditions discuss among themselves — and with service providers — the issues that are of most concern to them when they ask for help.
Stigma, Drugs and Policy: How Language Drives Change
Stigma associated with substance use and addiction remains one of the biggest barriers to treatment. This course examines factors involved in stigma and discrimination, and offers evidence-based strategies on how to overcome them.
Understanding Chronic Pain
This course will introduce participants to models and concepts used at the Living Life Well Pain Rehabilitation Program at the Pain Center at Northern Light Mercy Hospital in Portland. These models and concepts point to the need for robust, community-wide, and multidisciplinary responses to help our neighbors, friends, and family members suffering with chronic pain.
What Does Treatment and Recovery from SUDs Look Like Today?
This course provides an overview of what treatment services have looked like and what they are today. It highlights effective approaches and where we need to head to support recovery.