Patricia Burke

Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Introductions (Wellness and Recovery Promotion) #35776

    Hi Everyone, welcome to class. Thanks for your introductions. I look forward to hearing your reflections on the homework assignments which are designed to facilitate self-reflection and integrate the material in the lessons. I am thrilled so see such interest in learning more about recovery and ROSC. Thanks.

    in reply to: Introductions (Applications of MI) #34356

    Hi Everyone, welcome to this course. I am glad to see so much interest in MI from a variety of work settings and clinical backgrounds. I have designed the course to help you all build skills in MI in different settings and with a variety of client populations. I look forward to reading your responses to each week’s homework.

    in reply to: Introductions (Mindfulness in Behavioral Health) #33500

    Hi Everyone, really glad to see such a diversity of workplaces and interest in mindfulness. I hope you find the mindfulness exercises useful in both your personal and professional lives.

    in reply to: Introductions (Trauma-Informed Care) #30894

    Hi all, welcome to this course. I am pleased to see such a wide range of backgrounds and interest in trauma informed care. I look forward to hearing your comments and responses to the homework assignments. Thanks.

    Posted for Beth Andrews

    Question 1

    What is it like for you to know that you have taken or might take on the duty and responsibility of vicarious liability as a clinical supervisor? While it is uncomfortable to know that I could have liability for the actions of others, I feel that entering this field required an acceptance of that inevitability. Other fields may not carry as much risk, but this is what I chose, and what I love. Someone else carried vicarious liability for me when I was beginning, and now I do that for others. It is scary, but also something that must happen.

    Question 2

    Describe 3 strategies you have already employed or have thought about employing to manage this sense of responsibility so it doesn’t impact your clinical and supervisory work negatively and/or does impact your work in a positive way? 1) Acceptance: If I choose to be in this field, and be a supervisor, accept the risk, and do my best to be prepared. 2) Consultation: While I do not have my own supervisor, I meet with colleagues regularly, to discuss case questions and get their perspectives, which occasionally includes risks or pitfalls I may not have thought of on my own. 3) Check, check and re-check my work and my instincts.

    Question 3

    How does your agency support/not support you to manage the legal and ethical responsibility of vicarious liability and how can you advocate for more support if it is lacking? I no longer work for an agency, but when I did, I was in a situation where I felt unsupported by my boss. Initially, I felt I had nowhere to turn with my concerns, but I was able to speak to others and got the support I needed to correct the situation. I appreciated the acknowledgement of the potential risk, and the support I received to mitigate it.

    in reply to: Introductions (Ethical Issues in Clinical Supervision) #16423

    Hi Everyone, Welcome to class. I appreciate the diversity of your backgrounds and work settings. I look forward to your participation through responding to the homework questions. Feel free to post additional comments and questions about the course content in the Questions and Comments Forum.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)