Effective supervision is essential for promoting better outcomes for those in our care and for maintaining healthy teams and relationships at work, but often people are promoted without receiving specific training in supervision models and skills either in their academic training or on the job.
This program will support supervisors in rural Maine and across the behavioral health field in honing and developing the skills needed to be effective supervisors. Through a combination of interactive workshops, didactic lectures, and self-paced work, participants will gain valuable skills to balance the administrative and supportive or clinical aspects of supervision. They will leave the program having developed a personalized supervision manual and development plan. This course will address topics outside of clinical supervision to provide guidance and skills for all aspects of supervision and management.
This blended-format course will include 2 days of face-to-face meetings, 4 days of virtual, live training, and self-paced course work in between live sessions. The self-paced coursework will take place through this online course system and may include self-study reading assignments, online discussion forums, and similar learning activities.
Click “Course Instructions” below to access the course instructions.