Courtney Allen is the Policy Director of the Maine Recovery Advocacy Project (ME-RAP), a grassroots network of Mainers working on community and public policy-based solutions to the addiction crisis. During the 130th Maine LegislativeĀ Session, by leaning deeply into grassroots organizing tactics and building strong partnerships with other community organizations, the team was successful in helping to pass legislationĀ that will increase access to recovery community centers, change stigmatizing language in the Maine Revised
Statutes, expand access to certified recovery residences, decriminalize possession of harm reduction supplies, and more. Courtney is also a graduate student at the Muskie School of Public Service and is the CO-PI on a groundbreaking research project looking at recovery outcomes and publicĀ attitudes to recovery policy in Maine. Prior to this work, Courtney interned in Senator King’s DC office and helped to open the first recovery residences in her community. She currently serves as an At-Large City Councilor for the City of Augusta.