2020.10.29 | Introduction to Emotional CPR | 1:30p.m. to 3p.m.
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Workshop Description
Emotional CPR is an approach to relating to one another and can be a powerful and effective tool for recovery,
emotional and mental healing even in times of crisis. The CPR in ECPR stands for Connection
emPowerment, and Revitalization. It is not just thought of as a tool or a process, but as a way of being
where people and communities feel empowered and revitalized through the art of emotional connection.
Come learn how it works, how its influencing a new paradigm in recovery communities, and how you can bring
ECPR into your life, your community, and even a professional practice.
About the Presenter
Cal Clark Cal is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Polarity Therapy Energy Healer,
and a Qi Gong and Meditation Teacher. He owns a solo private bodywork practice in Portland where he has lived for 17 years. A year ago, he was certified by the National Empowerment Center to co-facilitate Emotional CPR trainings. Cal was inspired to become a holisitic health practitioner and an ECPR co-facilitor because of his own personal recovery journey.